
With more than 500 locations throughout eastern Wisconsin and greater Chicagoland, you’re sure to find a job close to home. Whether you’re looking for a world-class hospital with a variety of specialties in which to learn, grow and thrive or a local clinic where you can flourish as a trusted member of the community, we have great opportunities for you.

By the numbers


Hospitals in the Midwest


Sites of care


Team members


We have 28 award-winning hospitals throughout Southeastern Wisconsin and Northeastern Illinois. With technology advances at your disposal and working with other team members in other disciplines, you have endless opportunities to explore and gain knowledge in all aspects of healthcare.


Working in one of our 500+ clinics you can contribute to a team who has delivered exceptional care while gaining exposure for continuous career development. There are a variety of clinical disciplines – from pediatrics and rheumatology and physical therapy and cardiology and everything in between.


Being nationally recognized and the success we have gained could not be possible without our corporate team members. With positions in corporate affairs, financing and accounting, human resources and more, we help deliver that exceptional care by providing resources and support to our patients and team members.

Patient Service Areas

Learn more about each of our patient service areas and the hospitals, clinics and other sites of care within each one.